Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Out there have someone who tried to betray me ?

oooooooopss sentap ? haa amik kaw
...first of all sososory *ta ikhlas* to those girl yg terasa n sedikit sentap dgn post i kali ni.
oooooo yea mmg niat i na bt u'ollsss terasa pongg *jerk

....okee i tatau apa motif sebenar nenek bermulot puaka ni yang pasti dea sdg cuba menjadi si pengkhianat.
sampai sekarang i masih ta dpt rungkaikan apa masalah dea bawa mulut, jaja cerita orang kalau setakat na cerita pasal i je tape ni ta,senang2 je duk kait sekali pasal family i..
ooooo BITCH<------ this suite u.

...awalnye, dea classmate time i sijil dulu, mmg dh tau attitude dea yg kurang disenangi org. waktu sijil dulu mmg ta nafi kn telampau byk sgt gado sane sini, ko ta kwn ak, ak ta ngam ngn kau, kau jgn kwn dea, kau ekot dea putus kwn la dll sound childish arghh mmg ta matured la kan. Normal la mmg semua org akan bergado ala teenage la katakanye haa.

...so nak di jdi kn cerita, si gudgud ni bole sembang rancak pulak kesah i dulu dekat roomate i.
oooh my ! kau nak ke ak novel kn cerita kau pulak?
mesti best kan bukak sejarah idup org, mne tak best syaitan duk sebelah shake hand lg kot.
tu yg makin rancak bual yeh, benda yg tade kne ngena ngan kau, cth kt sini, soal bff ak dulu shit itu hak ak la kwn ke ta ke kesah btol kaw. Kaw knl dea pon ta, yg pns buntut sgt tu kenape yea, even dulu gaduh ta bertegur skali pon smpai skrng ak still cntct dorng sume. Kau tade kwn yea, kaw na join kiteorg meet up pastu weeknd keluar sume mcm tu ke..harharr sadess how sympathetic u're.
...eyhhh come on la grow up sikit smpai bile kau na jadi makciknam *jahanam*, siap bukak lptop tunjuk cara ak pakai tudung dulu n skrng. oooo surprise me?seriously sikit pon ta tekejut ta heran weyh. kau sorang je kesah sebab kau JEALOUS !... part yg paling lawak bila kaw ckp ak tiru fashion org..
oooiii oooiii gileerr ke ape kaw.. org tiru ak yes ! itu ada..
FYI ! i have my OWN IDENTITY okeyhh makcik. Style kaw mmg TOTALLY OUT ! i only copycat fashion thru  magazine untuk rujukan ak. Untuk kaw ak encourage kaw beli Dara tok dpt tips fashion bertudung :).
cont..."Tah sejak bile tah pakai shawl pg class dulu ta", maybe kata makciknam mcmni Eyh zaman 'dulu' ade shawl ke? Kakak ak ta pakai tudung plak ke yg kaw sebok kate ak tibe2 pkai shawl kakak ak bisnes ni kot, eyhh kt tenet ta byk pulak tutorial, here exp:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3ZH3t0xTJ8  *siap link tok kaw kalau kaw na belajar sbb ak belajar kt sini :). eyhh eyhh ta igt plak dea dtg bilik ak na borrow shawls sbb na pg date dgn bf dea *aloo kesian bf kaw dpt kaw doh serious waa ckp lu. Mulut binasa scary sgtt youuuuu...zzzzzz

..isyhhh isyhhh kau cube cermin diri kau yg kepeng tu, you should be ashamed of yourself makciknam.
huh sedey sekali bila background family ak di perkotak-katikan, yg ni ak sgt amek serious, hal yg melibatkan family mmg ak takan maafkan. Baba and mama ak cari rezeki start kakak ak yg first smpai adek ak yg last, parents ak yg didik ak smpai adik-beradik ak berjaya sekarang. Kesenangan, kesusahan, sume kiteorg satu family dh lalui. Apa hak kau na pertikaikan? kau sapa dengan ak, kau bkn kwn ak yg bole ak share peronal life ak. Org yg betul2 ak anggap bestfriend itu yea, i will simply share my problm and masing2 cerita masalah sendiri. Dats we call true friendship..

... frankly speaking, when u'ol talk about other private life, eventho u'ol tatau cerita sebenar u just reka tokok tambah to make it more interesting punch line and ajak ramai-ramai duduk bercerita, tiap-tiap orang bukak cerita itu ini. Did u satisfied now? Did you guys realize that you are just talking about the evil of your own self..huh?
just ask yourself, adakah anda cukup perfect sampai na aib kn perihal peribadi org laen.

...kesudahan cerita, i just take this as challenged to be more better person. Maybe ada hikmah org cerita pasal kita ni.*retistt la kate mygirlfriend* heehee #annoyed.  Dlm idup biasalah jeless, org hati busuk mmg ada, ta jauh dekat sebelah pon bole jdi juga.

warning: remind you here, be nice, i will rewarded well for the good ツ

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

packing BAG & say GOODBYE

Back to school season haa pon boley ~ mood : huh *sigh..
alaah this is no longer a dream but a reality ! in fact i da kne start set alarm bangun pepagi and get ready to go class bcus new semester had STARTED !  alamekkks
#statement si lazy# harhar

....untuk menaikkan semangat dengan perasaan riak dan annoyed nyer saya da tempah 3pasang baju kurung ok hikhik..
hopefully spirit na study lebey na achieve and target pointer untuk semester kali nie tanak drop lagi (malu)
:'( sobsob
insyaallah ;) 
note: i leaving and i'm sure will miss my family ofcos and officially 
Chef Ahmad Syahir *love

Thursday, December 15, 2011

THE BEST FRIEND in million

::note:: THE HOTTEST up there WAIDAJASMAN girlfriend ~
                       wishes this relationship will never ended ! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dreams Girl ! Big Girl & Special 21st Befday jeyaaaahh

elloo hi

feeling annoyed sgt tok post kali nie :p
why? raseee bahagiaaa bila break sem eventho 3week jer tapi heaven nyerrr ! ewahhhh 

actually mcm da out of date la na cerita and share during the incident on 23rd NOVEMBER tapi ta kire na tulis jugak special2 moment dalam tahun 2011 nie ;p

12.00am persamaan dengan 23rd nov i was shocked by the water flush ! nie semua angkara rakan kelass dkt hostell ouhh double damn seriously i ta aspect pon akan di surprise kan *first sebab si kepala dea@mybedfren nedy nie dok bekepit je ngan i so talah i na syak wasangka sgt kn and *another reason sbb befday i jatoh time EXAMination WEEK ! so budget sume tgh dok concentrate n i was feel like yeayy heepp heep hoorayy
and lastly hambek kaw sejokkk menggegil i disimbah dgn wangi wangian *sapela dok sponsor sgt wangi sabun buih tu and also thank sooo million muchh to those yang wish i alolooo sweet sgtt u'oll touched sgt ;)

3pm(lebeh kurengg la) persamaan dengan 24th nov yeayy im coming home lawehh exam da abes muke excited ! myunclesygAHMADSYAHIR yg pickup dari poli tq ayanggg.
ehemmrrmm muke dea ketat je tengok barang yg i ankot byk sgt aha macam pening je dea na mungah2 alolooo mase u na tacke i pndai u ayt ek *i do anything for you syg* haa hambek u b :p. oke bermulala sesi bual-bualan dalam kerete sambil seronok i menikmati chocolate indulgence cake tq once again. 
sampai kuala selangor we'all stop mkn soto yg power lg ho lioww sekejap
after while i pon dok mengedik la tanye * b u mlm nnti na bwk i g mane? ader pape surprise ta ala ala mcm last year tu
kikiki(gelakannoyed :p) response si gemuk nie mmg buat i frust sgt dea ckp one slice cake tu surprise ngan makan soto nie kire settle la harhar agk sempoi gak u nie b. ok fine fine fine :| arghhh *sigh 
cont....around 7.30 cmtu smpai dpn rumah pelik tgok pahal gelap semacam je kereta ada, ahakz ok buat muke relex cool n bile i tolak pintu je heyyyy SURPRISEEEEEEE laaahhhh wowww mcm2 adaaa ! speechless sgt touched babe seriously i appreciate sgt celebrate befday specially bila family i sume ade disisi ewah kelas kaw 

my fav ! chocolate indulgence whole cake puleksss kenyangg ~

bebel: ok mcm kedekot disitu share 1 photo je hehe. 
sorry yauww i mcm ta interested nak expose byk2*cait budget low profile hihi 
so bubye la yeh yg penting i dpt byk present yg mmg i sgt damn i want it ! 


Sunday, November 06, 2011

This and That ツ

heyyy guys 

Wishing to all muslim epyy EID UL-ADHA so berhati hati la di jln raya while u'ol are driving or wutever utamakan keselamatan keyh cehh mcm berkempen pilihan raya la kan. 

So awl pgi2 raya seperti biasa i ta berkesempatan na join solat raya u know women's day lalalaa 
Bangun tengok mama masak kuah kacang ayam masak merah etc perghhh so special lah den we'll terus move to gombak bcus all unties2 dripada mlm td dah duk col mama tnye bile na dtg bile na dtg alololoo so rindu my mama la niehhh KELAS KAU ZAILAN(mymum-name-sosweetkn-ahahahaha).

Meetball time ! yeayyy stop kjap kt ikea dinner meatball with mushroom dappp ~ thanks to my sis !

she look GORGEOUS WOWWWW ! scha dkt kiosk schapoholic near mph bookstore. 

Overall such a fun day la kan anywayyyy oh my goddddd !!! get to go REVISION TIME jeayyyahhh !

Saturday, November 05, 2011

LOOK ! funny header !

MOOD : excited !
dunno y i made up the uglyyyiess header up there..
sgtttt bored ~ ok byee move to jj to watch REAL STEEL jeayyyyy